Below you will find sorted categories of things you can add to help round out your 52 Things list. Having trouble picking only 52 things? Make a list of the 52 you deem the most important, and then add the extra activities to an "Extra Credit" list and try those out at any random time throughout the year!
- Workout 30 Minutes a Day
- Go a whole week without fast food
- Be vegetarian for a week
- Jog a mile
- Go a week without pop
- Fast for a day
- Do the Warrior Dash
- Have a spa day (massage, sauna, etc)
- Yoga
- Stretch every day for 20 minutes
- Meditate
- Get 8 hours of sleep for a whole week
- Go to Skyzone (Essentially a trampoline warehouse)
- Bowl in the dark wearing glow sticks
- Go to an ISU Basketball game
- Go Rock Climbing
- Go Mountain Biking
- Go to Vegas
- Go to a concert
- Play boardgames with new people
- Go to hockey game
- Go to a performing arts show
- Go to an Iowa Cubs baseball game (local AAA team)
- Go Ice skating
- Test drive C7 Corvette
- Go disc golfing across Iowa courses
- Go ziplining
- Go trapshooting
- Go paddleboarding
- Go drinking downtown and take taxi home (I despise going downtown, but figured I need to at least give it an actual try and see if I can have some fun)
- Take a dance class
- Go to Puerto Rico
- Take an archery class
Life Improvement
- Invest in a stock
- Buy a nice outfit
- Wear a nice outfit to work without being required to
- Do my hair up every day of a week
- Give everyone I talk to a compliment
- Learn how to cook a fancy meal
- Be completely honest for one day
- Have Patrick (co-worker) take me shopping for nice clothes
- Buy piece of art
- Read a book (not poker related)
- Learn funny joke and how to deliver it well
- Go on a blind date
- Learn to tie a tie
- Learn phrases in a different language
- Make someone's day through any means
- Don't complain for a whole day, be positive, no grumpiness
- Be very frugal for a week
- Recycle EVERYTHING for a week
Community Service
- Volunteer at pet shelter
- Volunteer at soup shelter
- Volunteer at retirement home
- Donate blood
- Give a random person $20 on the street
- Pay for someone's meal anonymously
- Plant a tree
- Help a random person pulled over on the side of the road
- Charity Donation Drive - Pie in the face (I'm trying to see if I can setup a stand at work so coworkers can pie me in the face for charity)
- Do a ride along with a police officer
- Go to a different state
- Try Thai food
- Solve a Rubik's cube
- Eat a different culture of food each day of the week
- Order dessert first for a meal
- Shave my head for St. Baldrick's
- Make a tshirt
- Go to Glazed Expression for making pottery
- Learn magic trick really well with cards and coins
- Paint some art
- Try geocachingSolve a sudoku/crossword puzzle
- Go a week without social media (except the blog, of course!)
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